Case & Reward Info
Date: July 28, 2016
Case #: 2016-2244
Reward up to $1,000
Area of 2900 North 35th Street, Phoenix
Crime Information:
On Thursday, July 28, 2016 at approximately 2:45 a.m. the victim was with friends at his residence located in the area of 2900 North 35th Street. The suspect knocked on the door and asked for someone who was not at the location. When he was told to leave, the suspect kicked the door in and entered the apartment with a handgun. There was a struggle between the victim and suspect and the victim was shot in the chest. The victim sustained serious, but non-life threatening injuries. The listed person of interest was in the area at the time of the incident and may have information that will help Investigators.
Person of Interest: Hispanic Male, 5'8” to 5'11”, 30-45 years old, bald or shaved head, tattoos covering both arms, both lower legs, and below neck, possible nickname "6"